100 Pearls: Advice from Grand Ayatullah al-Sayyid Ali al-Sistani

100 Pearls: Advice from Grand Ayatullah al-Sayyid Ali al-Sistani

Publisher: IMAM

Wisdom is a valuable gift of God, which He bestows on whomever He chooses of His servants. Although its cultivation depends on the acquisition of knowledge, it is only fully realized in individuals who devote their lives to the service of God through deep conviction, piety, asceticism, and the development of lofty characteristics. Thus, wisdom is rooted in the heart and appears in every word, gesture and action. Moreover, it is human custom to turn towards those who are wise, experienced and trusted for guidance on how to tread through this life and solve the challenges that are frequently encountered. For a believer, no one can provide this better than a true scholar, someone who has immersed themselves in Islam and delved into its outer manifestations as well as its subtleties and minutia. Every generation has one such person, who possesses the insight and depth to teach others and impart their wisdom so others can benefit and find salvation.

Book Title 100 Pearls: Advice from Grand Ayatullah al-Sayyid Ali al-Sistani
Publisher IMAM
Type Print Books
Date Published Sep 22, 2021

Wisdom is a valuable gift of God, which He bestows on whomever He chooses of His servants. Although its cultivation depends on the acquisition of knowledge, it is only fully realized in individuals who devote their lives to the service of God through deep conviction, piety, asceticism, and the development of lofty characteristics. Thus, wisdom is rooted in the heart and appears in every word, gesture and action. Moreover, it is human custom to turn towards those who are wise, experienced and trusted for guidance on how to tread through this life and solve the challenges that are frequently encountered. For a believer, no one can provide this better than a true scholar, someone who has immersed themselves in Islam and delved into its outer manifestations as well as its subtleties and minutia. Every generation has one such person, who possesses the insight and depth to teach others and impart their wisdom so others can benefit and find salvation.

His Eminence al-Sayyid al-Sistani is that person for this generation because he is held in the highest regard by both Muslims and people of other religions and due to the fact that he represents the piety, knowledge, experience and character we all aspire to achieve. He has been cultivating knowledge and morality in others for decades, and he has served as a resource of sound social strategy, remediation and the promotion of peace and tolerance. As such, it behooves the seeker of knowledge to benefit from the pearls of wisdom that have emanated from him over the many years of his service to humanity. Therefore, this booklet provides 100 pieces of his valuable and practical advice to all groups of people. It contains his guidance to the youth, including specific counsel to young women, professionals like doctors and politicians, students, and religious scholars. Let it be a formula for decisive action, improvement and universal felicity.

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