Islamic Governance- VOL2 - The Imamate- Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Islamic Governance: Governance of the Divinely-Sanctioned Social Order

Book Title | Islamic Governance- VOL2 - The Imamate- Sayyid Ali Khamenei |
Publisher | Lantern Publications |
Type | Book |
ISBN | |
Date Published | May 25, 2024 |
Islamic Governance: Governance of the Divinely-Sanctioned Social Order
under Conditions of Religious Solidarity
The four volumes of Ayatollah Khāmeneī’s Islamic Governance provide the theoretical framework for authentic Islamic governance in the modern era that is deeply rooted in Islamic principles and in what makes us human. Authored by one of the foremost theoreticians and practitioners of the revolutionary Islamic movement that culminated in the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the book provides a genuine alternative both to the morally bankrupt liberal social order of the West, as well as to the defunct and sterile alternatives provided within the rest of the Islamic world.
Volume Two: The Imamate
The second volume, The Imamate, begins with commentaries on two scriptural proofs for the Imamate: The Sermon of Ghadīr Khomm, and The Hadīth of the Two Weighty Trusts (Hadīth ath-Thaqalayn). Ayatollah Khāmeneī then provides a survey of various approaches that have been taken to the issue of leadership of the community, that includes a discussion concerning the necessity of the imamate, the succession to the prophet, the characteristics and functions of the imam or community leader. The volume closes with a chapter each on Illegitimate Governance (or Governance of the Tāghūt), and Divine Sovereignty & Divinely-Sanctioned Authority & Governance.