
Understand the core beliefs of Shia Islam from the basic to the advanced.
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The Shī‘a Imams in the words of Preeminent Sunni Scholarship
A New Case for the Rightfulness of the Claim to Leadership of the Twelve Shī‘a ImamsBy Masoud Emami Masoud Emami’s...
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Islamic Beliefs - Reclaiming the Narrative- Ayt- Khamenai
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"A groundbreaking discourse outlining the true meanings of faith & religion" This is a much awaited text that is finally...
Ask those who Know
A discussion by a former Sunni scholar on the Prophet, the Ahlul Bayt, some of the companions of the Prophet,...
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Our Beliefs: The Fundamental Tenets of Islam- Sayed Mahdi Moderresi
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In the heat of the battle of Siffin, while Imam Ali was faced with one of the most climacteric challenges...
What Everyone should know about Islam- Ibrahim Amini
The present book has been especially written for the young generation and youths to teach them religious education and the...
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