Yasser and Zahra Meet the Saviour of Islam

Yasser and Zahra Meet the Saviour of Islam


Yasser loves Muharram because it means he can stay up late and chill with his friends at the mosque. Zahra hates Muharram because it means all the parties are cancelled and everyone is sad. Grandfather takes them both to their prayer room. He sits on his favourite chair, sighs deeply and says in a warm, loving voice, “Let me tell you a story.” Those six little words transform Zahra’s mood immediately. She glances up at Yasser who looks back with a knowing grin. There is no doubt about it; they are about to go on one of their Grandfather’s marvellous adventures. Join Yasser and Zahra as they travel back in time and witness the most important events in the history of Islam unfold. From his blessed birth, and the event of Ghadir, to the journey from Medina to Karbala and his final moments, this book ignites a love for Imam Husayn in the heart of every reader. Based on Yasser and Zahra Meet The Heroes of Kerbala.

Book Title Yasser and Zahra Meet the Saviour of Islam
Publisher Sun Behind the Clouds
Type Books
Date Published Jul 27, 2020

Yasser loves Muharram because it means he can stay up late and chill with his friends at the mosque. Zahra hates Muharram because it means all the parties are cancelled and everyone is sad. Grandfather takes them both to their prayer room. He sits on his favourite chair, sighs deeply and says in a warm, loving voice, “Let me tell you a story.” Those six little words transform Zahra’s mood immediately. She glances up at Yasser who looks back with a knowing grin. There is no doubt about it; they are about to go on one of their Grandfather’s marvellous adventures. Join Yasser and Zahra as they travel back in time and witness the most important events in the history of Islam unfold. From his blessed birth, and the event of Ghadir, to the journey from Medina to Karbala and his final moments, this book ignites a love for Imam Husayn in the heart of every reader. Based on Yasser and Zahra Meet The Heroes of Kerbala.


From the Authors

Dear Reader,

In your hands is a book that will take your heart and soul on an unforgettable journey. You will travel back in time and relive moments of both incredible joy and intense sadness alongside the family of the Holy Prophet. You will come to understand how Imam Husayn and his family and companions saved Islam in the land of Karbala. As the story unfolds, your heart will be at once both broken and filled with love and gratitude. Don’t be afraid to weep, whether you are a boy or a girl, feel the emotions that come and welcome those tears; for the tears wept over this tragedy are priceless.

It is our hope that after reading this book, you will keep the message of Imam Husayn alive by applying the lessons we have learnt from the Saviours of Islam into our daily lives.

Please remember that the characters Yasser, Zahra, and Grandfather and their means of travel are all fictional, but the Ahlul Bayt and the events they endured are true facts of history authenticated by scholars. (Including Sheikh Bahmanpour). 

May this book help ignite the flame in your heart for Imam Husayn that will never subside. Ameen

قال النبيٌُّ

إن لقتل الحُسين حرارةٌ في قلوب المؤمنين لا تبرد أبداً

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:

Surely, there exists in the hearts of the believers, with respect to the martyrdom of Husayn (AS), a heat that never subsides.

Mustadrak al‑Wasail vol 10 pg. 318

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Another interesting read for the kids

Some of the best series for kids alhamdulillah, my kids keep going back to re-read these books

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