Divine Commander Par Excellence: Military Management in the Battles of the Prophet

Divine Commander Par Excellence: Military Management in the Battles of the Prophet

Publisher: Jerrmein Abu Shahba
Military Management of the Battles of Prophet (s) provides in-depth account of Military Leadership of Prophet Muhammad (s) - an entirely new aspect of his life commonly unknown. Besides being divinely guided leader and intelligent military commander par excellence who used novel and innovative military techniques and tactics at that time, Prophet Muhammad (s) exhibited utmost mercy and compassion to the civilians on enemy side, injured and disabled enemy soldiers and prisoners of war. The level of humanity displayed by the Prophet (s) and his army is unparalleled in the history of mankind. The soldiers were also ordered by the Prophet not to burn trees and crops, harm anaimals and damage property. The author, Muhammad Dhahir Watr provides thorough and well-referenced description of various aspects of the military warfare of Arabs before Islam, the background and reasons for which Prophetic battles were fought, qualities of a military commander in Islam, principles, rules and practice of different types of warfare including defensive, sudden, revolutionary, preemptive, offensive, and psychological warfare used by Prophet Muhammad (s). Structure and functioning of different military departments established by the Prophet (s) such as planning, operations, training, armament, consultation, munitions and relief support, booty, medical services, spiritual guidance and intelligence and security is mentioned in detail. In addition, the role of women in war is also mentioned. This book scholastically refutes the commonly propagated myth that Islam was propagated on the basis of sword.
Book Title Divine Commander Par Excellence: Military Management in the Battles of the Prophet
Publisher Jerrmein Abu Shahba
Type Print Books
Date Published Nov 23, 2022
Military Management of the Battles of Prophet (s) provides in-depth account of Military Leadership of Prophet Muhammad (s) - an entirely new aspect of his life commonly unknown. Besides being divinely guided leader and intelligent military commander par excellence who used novel and innovative military techniques and tactics at that time, Prophet Muhammad (s) exhibited utmost mercy and compassion to the civilians on enemy side, injured and disabled enemy soldiers and prisoners of war. The level of humanity displayed by the Prophet (s) and his army is unparalleled in the history of mankind. The soldiers were also ordered by the Prophet not to burn trees and crops, harm anaimals and damage property. The author, Muhammad Dhahir Watr provides thorough and well-referenced description of various aspects of the military warfare of Arabs before Islam, the background and reasons for which Prophetic battles were fought, qualities of a military commander in Islam, principles, rules and practice of different types of warfare including defensive, sudden, revolutionary, preemptive, offensive, and psychological warfare used by Prophet Muhammad (s). Structure and functioning of different military departments established by the Prophet (s) such as planning, operations, training, armament, consultation, munitions and relief support, booty, medical services, spiritual guidance and intelligence and security is mentioned in detail. In addition, the role of women in war is also mentioned. This book scholastically refutes the commonly propagated myth that Islam was propagated on the basis of sword.

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