Al-’Amaali- Shaykh Saduq- Bilingual Edition

Al-’Amaali- Shaykh Saduq- Bilingual Edition


Al-’Amālī (lit. dictations) of Abū Ja‘far Muḥammad b. ‘Alī b. Ḥusain b. Mūsā b. Bābawayh Qomī (known more famously as Shaykh al-Ṣadūq (the truthful Shaykh)) (d. ~ 991) is one of the earliest sources of ahadith from the Aimmah and the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon them). The book contains the transcripts of al-Shaykh al- Ṣadūq’s classes which were held twice a week on Tuesday and Friday from Rajab 18, 367/March 1, 978 until Sha’bān 11, 368/March 14, 979 in Mashhad and other areas in modern-day Iran.

Book Title Al-’Amaali- Shaykh Saduq- Bilingual Edition
Publisher Lantern Publications
Type Print Books
Date Published Jan 31, 2023

Al-’Amālī (lit. dictations) of Abū Ja‘far Muḥammad b. ‘Alī b. Ḥusain b. Mūsā b. Bābawayh Qomī (known more famously as Shaykh al-Ṣadūq (the truthful Shaykh)) (d. ~ 991) is one of the earliest sources of ahadith from the Aimmah and the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon them). The book contains the transcripts of al-Shaykh al- Ṣadūq’s classes which were held twice a week on Tuesday and Friday from Rajab 18, 367/March 1, 978 until Sha’bān 11, 368/March 14, 979 in Mashhad and other areas in modern-day Iran.

Shaykh al-Ṣadūq quotes 1021 ahadith with their sources in 97 sessions (or assemblies) on various topics in theology (and ideology), ethics, tafsīr of the Holy Quran, Islamic history, jurisprudence and more. Readers of all ages will be able to glean valuable words from our Aimmah as most ahadith are aimed at a wider audience, often following a theme based on the Islamic occasion occurring at the time. A great deal of Ahadith (almost at-least one in every assembly) is extolling the virtues of Imam ‘Alī b. Abi Talib (as).   

 The Author

Shaykh al-Ṣadūq was one of the most outstanding Shi’ā hadith scholars of the 4th/10th century and the most prominent hadith scholar and faqih of the hadith school of Qom. Al-Ṣadūq is famously known to have been born as a result of a supplication by Imam Al-Mahdi (aj) upon the request of his father, another prominent scholar, Ali b. Bābawayh al-Qomī during the minor occultation. Al-Ṣadūq is known to have authored some of the most important books in Shia Islam, many of which continue to be studied to this day. These include Man lā yaḥḍuruh al-faqīh (one of the 4 most important books of Hadith in Shi’a literature), Kamāl al-Din, al-I`tiqadāt al-Imamiyya, Kitāb al-Tawhīd, Maʿānī l-akbār, ʿIlal al-sharāyiʿ, ʿUyūn akhbār al-Riḍā, al-Khisāl, Thawab al-A`māl, and over 300 others.

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