Husniyah A Slave girl and Harun ur Rashid

Husniyah A Slave girl and Harun ur Rashid

Publisher: Shia Books
This is a moving and powerful narrative of the indomitable religiosity of a slave-girl, Husniyah a matchless beauty during the exotic times of Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed Abbasi. Enriched with knowledge par excellence, gained in the spiritual atmosphere of Imam Ja’far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) harem, her religious exposition before the Caliph invoked an inexpressible admiration both for her beauty of expression as well as for the depth of her knowledge. Reported by Allama Shaikh Abul Fatuh Razi Makki - a renowned research Scholar, this historical episode is essentially an enlightening golden leaf taken from the annals of Islamic history.
Book Title Husniyah A Slave girl and Harun ur Rashid
Publisher Shia Books
Type Books
Date Published Sep 02, 2018
This is a moving and powerful narrative of the indomitable religiosity of a slave-girl, Husniyah a matchless beauty during the exotic times of Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed Abbasi. Enriched with knowledge par excellence, gained in the spiritual atmosphere of Imam Ja’far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) harem, her religious exposition before the Caliph invoked an inexpressible admiration both for her beauty of expression as well as for the depth of her knowledge. Reported by Allama Shaikh Abul Fatuh Razi Makki - a renowned research Scholar, this historical episode is essentially an enlightening golden leaf taken from the annals of Islamic history.

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