An Overview of the Mahdi's Government- Ayt Tabasi

An Overview of the Mahdi's Government- Ayt Tabasi

Publisher: ElziStyle
His devoted followers are waiting for the Living Imām (atfs) as waiting for his advent is considered one of the highest forms of worship. From their viewpoint of history, the world will certainly witness the government of justice of the Imām of the Time and tyrannical systems will cease to exist.

While holding such a viewpoint of history, these questions are inevitably posed:

What will be the circumstance surrounding the Mahdī’s uprising? How will the Imām eliminate the various political systems—having different views and capabilities—and establish a unified global system? How will his administrative system and program operate in which there will be no oppression and tyranny, corruption, and starvation in the world?

An Overview of the Mahdī’s Government, the esteemed author deals with an issue that is rarely discussed in the study of Imām al-Mahdī. He delves into the manner of the Imām’s uprising, government system, and method of rule.

About the Author
His Eminence Āyatullāh Shaykh Najmuddīn Ṭabasī, son of Āyatullāh Ḥājj Shaykh Muḥammad Riḍā Ṭabasī, was born in 1334 AHS at Najaf al-Ashraf, Iraq and began his studies in the religious sciences with his father. Thereafter, he continued his studies in the Islamic Seminary of Qum, Iran. He is presently teaching intermediate [
saṭḥ] and advanced [khārij] level courses in jurisprudence and its principles [fiqh wa uṣūl], rijāl, exegesis, and Islamic doctrines. He also wrote a number of books some of which are (1) Mawārid as-Sajan fī’n-Nuṣūṣ wa’l-Fatāwā, (2) An-Nafyi wa’t-Taghrīb  Maṣādir at-Tashrī‘ al-Islāmī, (3) Dirāsāt Fiqhiyyah  Masā’il Khilāfiyyah, and (4) Ma‘ālim Ḥukūmah al-Imām al-Mahdī (atfs).
Book Title An Overview of the Mahdi's Government- Ayt Tabasi
Publisher ElziStyle
Type Book
Date Published Mar 26, 2023
His devoted followers are waiting for the Living Imām (atfs) as waiting for his advent is considered one of the highest forms of worship. From their viewpoint of history, the world will certainly witness the government of justice of the Imām of the Time and tyrannical systems will cease to exist.

While holding such a viewpoint of history, these questions are inevitably posed:

What will be the circumstance surrounding the Mahdī’s uprising? How will the Imām eliminate the various political systems—having different views and capabilities—and establish a unified global system? How will his administrative system and program operate in which there will be no oppression and tyranny, corruption, and starvation in the world?

An Overview of the Mahdī’s Government, the esteemed author deals with an issue that is rarely discussed in the study of Imām al-Mahdī. He delves into the manner of the Imām’s uprising, government system, and method of rule.

About the Author
His Eminence Āyatullāh Shaykh Najmuddīn Ṭabasī, son of Āyatullāh Ḥājj Shaykh Muḥammad Riḍā Ṭabasī, was born in 1334 AHS at Najaf al-Ashraf, Iraq and began his studies in the religious sciences with his father. Thereafter, he continued his studies in the Islamic Seminary of Qum, Iran. He is presently teaching intermediate [
saṭḥ] and advanced [khārij] level courses in jurisprudence and its principles [fiqh wa uṣūl], rijāl, exegesis, and Islamic doctrines. He also wrote a number of books some of which are (1) Mawārid as-Sajan fī’n-Nuṣūṣ wa’l-Fatāwā, (2) An-Nafyi wa’t-Taghrīb  Maṣādir at-Tashrī‘ al-Islāmī, (3) Dirāsāt Fiqhiyyah  Masā’il Khilāfiyyah, and (4) Ma‘ālim Ḥukūmah al-Imām al-Mahdī (atfs).

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