Quran Appreciation | Student Guide

Quran Appreciation | Student Guide

Publisher: Kisa Publications

Qurʾān in the Qurʾān is the second of five booklets in the Qurʾān Appreciation curriculum. This booklet is comprised of six lessons that explore āyāt of the Qurʾān that describe itself and consists of Qurʾānic vocabulary, explanation and application of the verse(s), and review questions. The goal behind this series is to promote appreciation, love, understanding, and practical usage of the Qurʾān in the lives of our children.

Book Title Quran Appreciation | Student Guide
Publisher Kisa Publications
Type Islamic Curriculum
Date Published May 30, 2022

Qurʾān in the Qurʾān is the second of five booklets in the Qurʾān Appreciation curriculum. This booklet is comprised of six lessons that explore āyāt of the Qurʾān that describe itself and consists of Qurʾānic vocabulary, explanation and application of the verse(s), and review questions. The goal behind this series is to promote appreciation, love, understanding, and practical usage of the Qurʾān in the lives of our children.

Duʿās in the Qurʾān is the first of five booklets in the Qurʾān Appreciation curriculum. This booklet is comprised of five lessons that explore different duʿās in the Qurʾān and consist of Qurʾānic vocabulary, explanation and application of the verse(s), and review questions. The goal behind this series is to promote appreciation, love, understanding, and practical usage of the Qurʾān in the lives of our children. 

Ahl al-Bayt in the Qurʾān is the third of five booklets in the Qurʾān Appreciation curriculum. This booklet is comprised of five lessons that explore āyāt of the Qurʾān related to the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa) and consists of Qurʾānic vocabulary, explanation and application of the verse(s), and review questions. The goal behind this series is to promote appreciation, love, understanding, and practical usage of the Qurʾān in the lives of our children. 

Ahl al-Bayt in the Qurʾān Part II is the fourth of five booklets in the Qurʾān Appreciation curriculum. This booklet is comprised of four lessons that explore āyāt of the Qurʾān related to the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa) and consists of Qurʾānic vocabulary, explanation and application of the verse(s), and review questions. The goal behind this series is to promote appreciation, love, understanding, and practical usage of the Qurʾān in the lives of our children. 

The Servants of the Rahman is the fifth of five booklets in the Quran Appreciation curriculum. This booklet consists of ten lessons. The lessons explore 14 ayat of Surah al-Furqan that describe 13 qualities of the true servants of ar-Rahman (the All-Compassionate). 

It consists of Quranic vocabulary, explanation and application of the verse(s), and review questions. The goal behind this series is to promote appreciation, love, understanding, and practical usage of the Quran in the lives of our children.

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