Jesus (as)- The one Awaiting in Heaven- Sh. Abbass Noureddine- Part 5 of 6

Jesus (as)- The one Awaiting in Heaven- Sh. Abbass Noureddine- Part 5 of 6

Publisher: Lantern Kids

Jesus (as) came to the people of Moses (as). Some leaders had become corrupt, and he came to remind them of their duty to God. He performed some miracles with the permission of God, the Almighty, and some thought he was God! Ultimately, they plotted to kill him, but God protected him and took him up to Him to return when al Mahdi reappears.

Book Title Jesus (as)- The one Awaiting in Heaven- Sh. Abbass Noureddine- Part 5 of 6
Publisher Lantern Kids
Type Print Books
Date Published May 05, 2024

Jesus (as) came to the people of Moses (as). Some leaders had become corrupt, and he came to remind them of their duty to God. He performed some miracles with the permission of God, the Almighty, and some thought he was God! Ultimately, they plotted to kill him, but God protected him and took him up to Him to return when al Mahdi reappears.

The inspiring narratives of Prophet Jesus (as) offer pertinent insights for all individuals, particularly young readers. Jesus (as) upheld virtues of bravery, modesty, and honesty, even in the face of resistance from members of his community, and remained steadfast in his mission to guide them to true monotheism.

The Fifth in a 6-part series on the lives of the great Prophets- Brilliantly illustrated and engaging for all ages!

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