
The Holy Quran, its exegesis, history and sciences. A unique curated collection of the best of the Shia English literature
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Introduction to Islamic Sciences- Mutahhari
Description Understanding Islamic Sciences provides an informative introduction to six major disciplines in Islamic studies: Theology, mysticism, principles of jurisprudence,...
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Quranic Sciences
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Until now studies of the Qur’anic sciences have either been partial, brief, or sectarian. In the main, such works have...
Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an Vol.1 / Muhammad Hadi Ma'rifat
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This title is an abridged translation of Ayatollah Muhammad Hadi Mar'ifat's magnum opus, al-Tamhid fi uhum al-Qur'an, which is argueably an...
Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an Vol.2/ Muhammad Hadi Ma'rifat
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This book is volume 2 of 2 volume set. The book is an abridged translation of Ayatullah Muhammad Hadi Marifat's...
A Textbook on the Methods of Qur’anic Exegesis
Description The science of tafsīr (exegesis of the Qur’an) was one of the earli­est academic activities in Islam. Since the...
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