Imam Hussain: Life and Legacy - Sayyid Al-Hakeem

Imam Hussain: Life and Legacy - Sayyid Al-Hakeem


When we study the history of the Holy Household of the Messenger of God (s) we find that they stood with absolute devotion and determination in the protection of God’s message. They stood against any attempt to misrepresent the teachings of the Holy Quran and the tradition of the Holy Prophet (s). The members of this Holy Household devoted themselves to protecting this divine message. They dedicated themselves to the promotion of its true teachings. They sacrificed everything they had, even their own lives, to pursue this mission. The stance of Imam Hussain (a) is the clearest example of the Holy Household’s great sacrifices. He gave everything he had, including his own life, for the sake of reforming the nation of his grandfather and correcting the path of the nation after its deviance. In this book, we will study some of the characteristics and achievements of this great man and his movement. We will look at Imam Hussain’s (a) life and death. We will study the stance that he took and how the remainder of the Holy Household (a) contributed to that stance. We will examine the great triumph that his stance achieved despite the tragedy.

Book Title Imam Hussain: Life and Legacy - Sayyid Al-Hakeem
Publisher The Mainstay Foundation
Type Print Books
Date Published Nov 22, 2022

When we study the history of the Holy Household of the Messenger of God (s) we find that they stood with absolute devotion and determination in the protection of God’s message. They stood against any attempt to misrepresent the teachings of the Holy Quran and the tradition of the Holy Prophet (s). The members of this Holy Household devoted themselves to protecting this divine message. They dedicated themselves to the promotion of its true teachings. They sacrificed everything they had, even their own lives, to pursue this mission. The stance of Imam Hussain (a) is the clearest example of the Holy Household’s great sacrifices. He gave everything he had, including his own life, for the sake of reforming the nation of his grandfather and correcting the path of the nation after its deviance. In this book, we will study some of the characteristics and achievements of this great man and his movement. We will look at Imam Hussain’s (a) life and death. We will study the stance that he took and how the remainder of the Holy Household (a) contributed to that stance. We will examine the great triumph that his stance achieved despite the tragedy.

Sayyid Ali Al-Hakeem
Sayyid Ali Al-Hakeem is an esteemed Muslim scholar, lecturer, and researcher residing in Dubai, UAE. Sayyid Al-Hakeem spent ten years studying at the Islamic seminaries of Qum, Iran. There, he completed his Advanced Seminars (a Ph.D. equivalent in Islamic seminaries) in Islamic Jurisprudence and Thought. He also received a Master’s degree in Islamic Thought from the Islamic University of Lebanon. Sayyid Al-Hakeem has dedicated the past twenty-two years of his life to service of the Muslim community in different capacities. He serves as a resident scholar in the Imam Hassan Mosque, Dubai. He is the Chair of the Religious Committee and the religious supervisor of the Charitable Deeds Committee of the Ja'afariya Endowment Charitable Council of Dubai.

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