Mabadi-al-Arabiyyah- ARABIC ONLY Volume 1 or 2
Arabic is the key to unlocking the treasures of the Islamic heritage. It is a means of understanding the Qur’an and its secrets, a path to grasping the meanings of the sunnah and its profundities, and a way into the depths of Arabic literature and its riches.

Book Title | Mabadi-al-Arabiyyah- ARABIC ONLY Volume 1 or 2 |
Publisher | Independant Publisher |
Type | Books |
ISBN | |
Date Published | Jun 06, 2020 |
Arabic is the key to unlocking the treasures of the Islamic heritage. It is a means of understanding the Qur’an and its secrets, a path to grasping the meanings of the sunnah and its profundities, and a way into the depths of Arabic literature and its riches.
Learning is further facilitated by means of carefully constructed exercises at the end of each lesson, a bilingual glossary of grammatical terms, and a parallel English-Arabic layout of the text.
Rashid ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Rami al-Shartuni was born in 1864 in Shartun, a village in Lebanon. He received his education in Keserwan District to the Northeast of Beirut where he mastered Syriac and French. He taught Arabic literature for 23 years in Beirut and died there in 1906. Among his other works are Tamrin al-Tullab fi al-Tasrif wa al-I‘rab, Nahj al-Mursalah, and Tarikh Lubnan.
Although I have not read the book yet I am very impressed by the excellent condition it arrived in from
Australia since I am based in the US. Am excited to reach the stage soon where I can fully understand the book!
Mabadi-al-Arabiyyah- ARABIC ONLY Volume 1 or 2